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Youth Ministry

NCC Youth Ministry



  • To see a generation of young people transformed by the power of God, living out their faith with passion, purpose, and authenticity.

  • To envision a community of young people who are deeply rooted in Christ, boldly living out their faith, and making a lasting impact in their world.

  • To see young people empowered to become the leaders, change-makers, and disciples who will shape the future of the Church and the world.

  • To create a movement of young people who are contagiously passionate about Jesus Christ, and who are committed to spreading His love and message to every corner of their world.

  • To see every young person in our community connected to God, growing in their faith, and living a life that reflects the love and values of Jesus Christ.

  • A good vision statement should be inspiring, motivating, and challenging, and should reflect the desired future state of your ministry. It should also align with the values and mission of your organization.


The NCC Youth Ministry is a vibrant and dynamic community that empowers young hearts to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive environment where young people can grow in their faith, build meaningful relationships, and discover their purpose.


Through our various programs and activities, we aim to inspire and equip young people to become leaders and change-makers in their communities. Our dedicated team of leaders and mentors are committed to helping young people navigate the challenges of life and develop a deeper understanding of God's love and grace.

The NCC Youth Ministry is more than just a program - it's a family. We believe in building strong relationships and fostering a sense of belonging among our members. We create opportunities for young people to connect with each other, share their experiences, and support one another on their spiritual journeys.


By joining the NCC Youth Ministry, young people can expect to encounter God's presence, grow in their faith, and develop lifelong friendships. We invite all young people to be a part of our community and experience the transformative power of God's love.

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